Monday, April 04, 2005

Solitude Sweetened

A good friend of mine recently gave me a book. The title is "Solitude Sweetened". The author is a man named James Meikle. This book contains meditations and devotions he wrote while serving as a surgeon in the Royal Navy on a warship from 1757 -1760. The copy I received was published in 1818. As this book is out of print, very hard to find, and all the copies I have found seem to be published from 1814 to 1850, I feel it's safe to assume that the copyrights have expired. I will be posting various parts as I feel they would be most beneficial to others to read and gain strength from. The first one follows......

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

You know, for this thing to work, I really need to post at a quicker ratio than once a month.
It just seems that there's not much to say.
I'm tired of talking.
To almost everybody.
About almost everything.

The questions before me have plagued mankind for ages.
"Is this all I am?"
"Is there nothing more?"

Should I just accept the fact that my life is this way and will always be this way?
Or should I try to change those things in my life that are unsatisfactory?
Which path is the right one?
Should I strive for contentment or ambition?
Which way is easier?

I just wish I knew which way to go.
Once I thought I was intelligent. I prided myself on being more smarter than the average bear.
But pride goes before a fall.
And I have fallen.

My mind plays tricks on me.
I'm just a foolish human these days.
But is it more foolish to just accept one's fate, or strive to change it.
If it can be changed at all.

Bought the latest Jack Johnson CD today.
Do yourself a favor. Buy it.
If you don't know who Jack is. Find out.

More to come

Monday, January 31, 2005

Nine minutes to midnight

It's amazing how dark it gets at night. I don't mean "dark" as in the absence of light. "Dark" as in dreary, or depressing.

I'm fine during the day. Our lives are filled with such a frenzy and intensity that we seldom stop to feed our face or take a breath, much less actually think about something for more than a few seconds.
But at night, things settle down; Most of the world goes to sleep or retreats into their own idea of rest. It is at those times when the silence can be so deafening.

In the quiet dark of the night, I can't hide anywhere. I am confronted with the sum total of my life and I find it sorely lacking.

Lacking in what?

Many things, but at the top of the list is faith & trust.
Faith that God is in control.
Faith that what God requires of me, I can perform.
Trust in my own abilities.
Trust that I can handle whatever lies before me.

Also appearing in smaller than necessary quantities is motivation.
I seem to start many things, but seldom finish.
The songwriting that seemed to consume me one year ago seems so far past that it was almost a different person.
The keyboard sits by the computer, gathering dust, unused now for months.

There's one more piece missing from this puzzle of my life. A dream I dare not utter. A hope I dare not imagine.

As all life seems to contain equal parts comedy and tragedy, probably so will this site.
I'd better thing up something funny soon.

I'll end with a bit of wisdom from my niece. (She's four)
"If you buy something and you don't like it, it was probably for your parents"

Day One

It's a new year and time to add something to the website.
Since I can't seem to get the other pages on the website to act properly. I hope this works.
More later.